October 2, 2011

A handy document

CRUISING COUPLES don’t like to think what might happen if the worst were to occur, but there’s one document you could carry aboard your boat that would be a great help in stressful times — a power of attorney.

Here is the basis of a document you can amend to suit your own circumstances, one that could help bypass some unpleasant bureaucratic tangles at a time of great stress. This example is based on a suggestion by Lin and Larry Pardey in The Capable Cruiser:


To whom it may concern:

I, ____________, sole legal owner of the vessel __________, registered in__________, registration number __________, registered tonnage ______, do hereby solemnly swear that in the event of my death, incapacitation due to illness, or absence through any cause, determined or undetermined, it is my wish that all my rights and powers as owner and captain of the said vessel shall be ceded unconditionally to __________.

He/she shall have the right to operate the said vessel and make whatever arrangements he/she shall deem necessary for its normal or abnormal operation, including shipment by road, sea, rail, or sea.

He/she shall be empowered to place the vessel in storage or safekeeping, to leave the vessel and return at will, without relinquishing any of the powers granted under this document.

He/she shall have the right to hire another competent captain to carry out his/her instructions.

His/her signature shall, in the event of my death, incapacitation or absence, be accepted in the place of mine on any legal documents pertaining to the ownership, operation, and movements of the aforementioned vessel, under any and all national and international laws that might apply.

► Get legal advice before you leave your home port about how this document should be signed, witnessed and/or notarized. And you might think about having a legal translation done in say, Spanish or French.

Chances are, you’ll never need to use this document, but if the worst happened it could prove invaluable.

Today’s Thought
He who is not prepared today will be less so tomorrow.
— Ovid, Remedorium Amoris


“So you want to be a ship’s surgeon?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, what would you do if the captain fainted?”
“Bring him to, sir.”
“Very good. And then what?”
“Bring him two more, sir.”

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.Additionally, legal translation: make sure you know what type of certification your translation will require in order to be accepted before court or any other recipient body.
    Because even if your translation agency offers certification service, they usually aren't in a position to check your requirements from their end.
